618 research outputs found

    Two-Loop Master Integrals for the mixed EW-QCD virtual corrections to Drell-Yan scattering

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    We present the calculation of the master integrals needed for the two-loop QCDxEW corrections to q+qˉ→l−+l+ q + \bar{q} \to l^- + l^+ and q+qˉ′→l−+ν‾ , q + \bar{q}' \to l^- + \overline{\nu} \, , for massless external particles. We treat W and Z bosons as degenerate in mass. We identify three types of diagrams, according to the presence of massive internal lines: the no-mass type, the one-mass type, and the two-mass type, where all massive propagators, when occurring, contain the same mass value. We find a basis of 49 master integrals and evaluate them with the method of the differential equations. The Magnus exponential is employed to choose a set of master integrals that obeys a canonical system of differential equations. Boundary conditions are found either by matching the solutions onto simpler integrals in special kinematic configurations, or by requiring the regularity of the solution at pseudo-thresholds. The canonical master integrals are finally given as Taylor series around d=4 space-time dimensions, up to order four, with coefficients given in terms of iterated integrals, respectively up to weight four.Comment: 1+45 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, 5 ancillary file

    Full Scale Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Strengthened with Steel Reinforced Polymer Systems

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign performed at the Laboratory of Materials and Structural Testing of the University of Salerno (Italy) in order to investigate the seismic performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column joints strengthened with steel reinforced polymer (SRP) systems. With the aim to represent typical façade frames' beam-column subassemblies found in existing RC buildings, specimens were provided with two short beam stubs orthogonal to the main beam and were designed with inadequate seismic details. Five members were strengthened by using two different SRP layouts while the remaining ones were used as benchmarks. Once damaged, two specimens were also repaired, retrofitted with SRP, and subjected to cyclic test again. The results of cyclic tests performed on SRP strengthened joints are examined through a comparison with the outcomes of the previous experimental program including companion specimens not provided with transverse beam stubs and strengthened by carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) systems. In particular, both qualitative and quantitative considerations about the influence of the confining effect provided by the secondary beams on the joint response, the suitability of all the adopted strengthening solutions (SRP/CFRP systems), the performances and the failure modes experienced in the several cases studied are provided

    Exploring the anti-biofilm activity of cinnamic acid derivatives in Candida albicans

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    Some compounds, characterized by phenylethenyl moiety, such as methyl cinnamate and caffeic acid phenethyl ester, are able to inhibit C. albicans biofilm formation. On these bases, and as a consequence of our previous work, we synthesized a series of cinnamoyl ester and amide derivatives in order to evaluate them for the activity against C. albicans biofilm and planktonically grown cells. The most active compounds 7 and 8 showed ⩾50% biofilm inhibition concentrations (BMIC50) of 2 μg/mL and 4 μg/mL respectively, against C. albicans biofilm formation; otherwise, 7 showed an interesting activity also against mature biofilm, with BMIC50 of 8 μg/m

    Support for the upregulation of serum thyrotropin by estrogens coming from the increased requirement of levothyroxine in one gynecomastic patient with excess of thyroxine-binding globulin secondary to exposure to exogenous estrogens

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    Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) is the liver-synthesized and estrogen-upregulated major plasma carrier of thyroid hormones with an affinity binding greater for T4 than T3. It is known that pregnancy, a physiologic state of estrogen-driven elevation of serum TBG, raises the requirement of L-T4 dose in hypothyroid women, especially those with no residual thyroid function. Similar increased requirement was reported for postmenopausal women during estrogen therapy. One known cause of relative hyperestrogenemia, gynecomastia and acquired TBG excess is liver disease, but very rarely chronic liver disease is mentioned as a cause of increased L-T4 requirement. One hypothyroid man with cirrhosis-associated gynecomastia and increased serum levels of both estradiol and TBG was reported recently. His requirement of L-T4 was no longer increased after liver transplantation. We now report the case of a man with primary hypothyroidism under stable replacement therapy with L-T4 until exposure to an exogenous cause of hyperestrogenemia caused increased L-T4 requirement associated to TBG excess. In addition to increased TBG, the high levels of estrogens had caused the appearance of gynecomastia. We fully corrected primary hypothyroidism upon eliminating his exposure to the source of estrogens. Hyperestrogenism can be a cause of increased L-T4 requirement through the rise of circulating levels of TBG also in man with no residual thyroid function. Keywords: Thyroxine-binding globulin, Estrogens, Thyrotropin, Levothyroxine therapy, Refractory hypothyroidis

    Il cgml: una soluzione basata su xml per la rappresentazione di mappe vettoriali su dispositivi mobili

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    L’evoluzione tecnologica dei dispositivi mobili, in termini di potenza di calcolo, capacità di visualizzazione e memorizzazione, e il proliferare di sistemi di connessione a banda larga su rete locale wireless (WiFi) e cellulare (UMTS), permette la gestione di dati complessi quali le mappe vettoriali e l’accesso ai Location Based Service (LBS) per mezzo di un telefono cellulare o un palmare. L’uso di linguaggi XML nel settore dei LBS condiziona la struttura delle funzionalità e dei dati ma garantisce l’interoperabilità dei servizi. Un esempio è il linguaggio GML (Geographic Markup Language) standard de facto nello scambio dei dati tra sistemi GIS e nella rappresentazione dell’informazione geografica. Il GML non è orientato alla rappresentazione di mappe vettoriali, è quindi necessario trasformarlo in un altro linguaggio XML, ad esempio il linguaggio grafico SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Per evitare la separazione tra il dato geografico (GML) e la sua visualizzazione (Mobile SVG) ma usando comunque le mappe vettoriali su dispositivi mobili, abbiamo definito il cGML (compact Geographic Markup Language). La rappresentazione di un dato tramite cGML è una mappa vettoriale e come tale può essere utilizzata nella presentazione grafica, ma allo stesso momento è anche un contenitore di insiemi di dati geo-riferiti, omogenei per semantica, utilizzabili in elaborazioni locali sul dispositivo mobile.Enhanced mobile device performances, in terms of CPU power, memory capacity, display capabilities and adoption of wideband connectivity based on local wireless (WiFi) and cellular (UMTS) networks, bring interactive mapping and access to Location Based Services (LBS) to mobile phones and PDAs. The use of XML language in the LBS influences data structure, functionalities and performances; although it could be time and memory expensive, it guarantees service interoperability. The GML language (Geographic Markup Language) is "de facto" standard in data exchanging between Geographic Information Systems. The GML has not been designed to represent vector map: it has to be transformed into another XML language, for example the graphical-oriented XML language Mobile SVG. To avoid the separation between the geographic data (GML) and its visualization (Mobile SVG), keeping vector mapping on mobile devices, we have designed the cGML (compact Geographic Markup Language). The data encoded using cGML is a vector map, so that it can be used in the graphic representation, but at the same time it is a container of geographical related data set, homogenous for semantic and usable in local processing on the mobile device

    Penetración de Cefalotina en líquido tisular de músculo y tejido muscular

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    The aim ot fhe present work was to compare the penetration in muscle tissue fluid (MTF) and muscle tissue (MT) of cephalotin administered in rabbits. Animals were distributed in Trial 1 (n = 15) and Trial 2 ( n= 6). In the Trial 1 the animals were implanted in ischiotibial muscle with non reactive material cages. Animals recibed subcutaneously (sc) cephalotin (20 mg/kg) and blood, MTF and MT samples were recollected. In the Trial 2 the animals recibed cephalotin (20 mg/kg) intravenously (iv) and blood samples were recollected. Pharmacokinetic analysis were performed using a non-compartmental model. Results: terminal disposition rate constant (λz ) (serum iv) 1.43 ± 0.54, (serum sc) 1.90, (MTF) 0.57 and (MT) 1.80 h–1 ; elimination half-life (t1/2 ) (serum iv) 0.53 ± 0.13, (serum sc) 0.36, (MTF) 1.20 and (MT) 0.38 h; the area under the curve [AUC(0-6) ] (serum iv) 60.40 ± 38.20, (serum sc) 45.90, (MTF) 21.60 and (MT) 3.00 μg.ml–1 h. and the bioavailability (F) was 76%. The penetration of cephalotin in MTF and MT were. 47.70 and 6.43%, respectively. Cephalotin administered subcutaneously in rabbit presented higher bioavailability, distribution in extracelullar fluid and low penetration in muscle tissue.Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron comparar la penetración in líquido tisular de músculo (MTF) y tejido muscular (MT) de cefalotina administrada a conejos. Los animales fueron distribuidos en Experimento 1 (n = 15) y Experimento 2 (n = 6). En el Experimento 1 los conejos fueron implantados en tejido muscular con cajas confeccionadas con material no reactivo. Posteriormente recibieron subcutáneamente (sc) cefalotina (20 mg/kg) y se recolectaron muestras de sangre, MTF y MT. En el Experimento 2 los animales recibieron cefalotina (20 mg/kg) vía endovenosa (iv) y se recolectaron muestras de sangre. El análisis farmacocinético fue realizado utilizando un modelo no compartimental. Resultados: constante de velocidad de eliminación (λz ) (suero iv) 1,43 ± 0,54, (suero sc) 1,90, (MTF) 0,57 y (MT) 1,80 h–1 ; tiempo medio de eliminación (t1/2 ) (suero iv) 0,53 ± 0,13, (suero sc) 0,36, (MTF) 1,20 y (MT) 0,38 h; área bajo la curva [AUC(0-6) ] (suero iv) 60,40 ± 38,20, (suero sc) 45,90, (MTF) 21,60 y (MT) 3,00 μg.ml–1 h y biodisponibilidad (F) 76%. La penetración de cefalotina en MTF y MT fue de 47,70 y. 6,43%, respectivamente. La cefalotina administrada subcutáneamente en conejos presentó alta biodisponibilidad, distribución en líquido extracelular y baja penetración en tejido muscular

    Compact gml: merging mobile computing and mobile cartography

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    The use of portable devices is moving from "Wireless Applications", typically implemented as browsing-on-the-road, to "Mobile Computing", which aims to exploit increasing processing power of consumer devices. As users get connected with smartphones and PDAs, they look for geographic information and location-aware services. While browser-based approaches have been explored (using static images or graphics formats such as Mobile SVG), a data model tailored for local computation on mobile devices is still missing. This paper presents the Compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML) that enables design and development of specific purpose GIS applications for portable consumer devices where a cGML document can be used as a spatial query result as well

    The cgml: a xml language for mobile cartography

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    Increasing processing power and storage capabilities encourage systematic adoption of high-end mobile devices, such as programmable cellular phones and wireless-enabled PDA to implement new exciting applications. The performances of modern mobile devices are bringing innovative scenarios, based on position awareness and ambient intelligence paradigms. The market is moving from old 'Wireless Applications' approach to Mobile Computing, which aims to exploit mobile host capabilities. This paper presents the compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML), an XML-based language defined to enable design and development of LBS applications specific for mobile devices, and an example of client-server architecture using it
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